Monday, September 5, 2011

Radiohead, Nine Inch Nails, Angels & Airwaves giving away free music?

The music business has changed. Furthermore it will continue to change and artists are leading the way for the revolution. As presented in the title for the post today, these are just a few names who are making a buzz in the new business of music industry. Not only have they released their music independently from record companies, but at the same time, they did it for free. Simply, it was received well by the music community and hailed by many people that it was not only 'different', but a new technique to marketing and promotion. 

Nine Inch nails released Ghosts I-IV, Angels & Airwaves released LOVE and Radiohead released In Rainbows. I cite these artists because they give inspiration to upcoming artists and already popular bands who would like to increase their fan base. Of course, they have had accumulated enough money over the years to record, mix and distribute their music for free but the idea is still valid. They challenged music labels and essentially giving them 'the middle finger' telling them that they are no longer in charge and all the music belongs to the artists.  It has widely improved their fan base attracting new listeners to their projects because of firstly their well established name, secondly FREE MUSIC by important recording artists! 

The act of voluntary distribution is still new to the world, but it is bound to rise in the future. If artists follow in their footsteps and are not chained the the major labels to distribute and promote the band, it would be a 'great marketing gimmick'.


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